Who We Are

PLC Investments Vision, Mission, Goal & Values

To be a preferred player in the financial, property and consultancy services business in Uganda.

Our mission
To create wealth for PLC’s clients through provision of affordable financial, property and consultancy services.

Company Values

PRICE is the acronym for our values, and we will pay any price to uphold them.

  1. Professionalism: in sourcing, customer handling, documentation, processing and deal closures we will always seek to apply the best industry standards to yield the most efficient product for our clients.
  2. Respect: for Self, Colleague and Client
  3. Integrity: in all business dealings, PLC Investments shareholders, BOD and staff will be honest and upright, frank and prudent.
  4. Commitment to the contract: PLC investments will go to all lengths within the law to do what it promises to do as and when agreed.
  5. Equity: while firmly pursuing its profit and wealth creation motive, PLC Investments will still apply even-handedness in all dealings with all clients and the entire business community.      

Company Ownership
PLC Investments Ltd is owned by 14 share holders, holding 70% of the shares, the 30% remaining unallotted shares. The thirteen shareholders are all professionals with qualifications in Commerce/Accounting and Auditing, Marketing, Finance and Finance Administration, Agriculture.